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Build vocabulary and literacy skills and increase general knowledge and content understanding with this comprehensive set of 180 nonfiction and fiction books:

* Featuring developmentally appropriate content levelled for first-time readers
* Covering 6 key early childhood learning domains and 10 curricular themes
* Thematically linked to scaffold reading achievement and accommodate diverse learners


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Spot On Science & Technology

Integrate high-interest science and technology content while mastering key literacy skills.
- Leveled nonfiction and fiction.
- Teach to transfer relevant scientific knowledge across grade levels.
- Precisely leveled texts Content strands include earth science, physical science, and life science.
- Instructional support includes Content Teaching Cards and Text Evidence Question Cards.


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Talk About Texts integrates the teaching of reading, vocabulary and oral
language into one rich and effective program to help you achieve more in your guided reading time. This is new and improved guided reading!
Research shows that robust vocabulary and oral language instruction is
essential for positive reading comprehension outcomes. With that in
mind, Talk About Texts seamlessly embeds a range of strategies
to teach students four elements of oral language: listening and responding, building vocabulary, having conversations and questioning.


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Spot On Social Studies

Teach social studies and literacy skills linked to inquiry projects!
- Leveled fiction and non-fiction.
- Introduce key social studies topics and genres to beginning readers.
- Content strands include government & citizenship, history, geography, and economics.
- Build understanding of social studies content and key types of text.
- Build content-area literacy skills.
- Students learn about key topics by reading informational, opinion, fiction, and other text.
- Enable students to develop opinions based on a variety of sources.
- Help students’ transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” social studies content.
- Each book is linked to an inquiry project or text-response activity.
- Instructional support includes Content Teaching Cards and Text Evidence Question Cards.


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Help children understand and discuss their emotions and build foundational reading skills with a set of stories kids love to read!

* Engaging books with real-world connections help young children at KS1, understand social relationships.
* Includes SIX theme-collections.
* Modern stories feature current themes and diverse characters.
* Built-in reading tips, discussion prompts, and more!
* Teacher’s Guides address key social-emotional themes and foundational reading skills.
* Audio support.


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Extend your PM Library collection

The levelled books:
• are pedagogically sound and provide teachers with the confidence of PM levelling
• include a number of literal, inferential and applied knowledge questions on the inside front covers
• represent all of the standard text types, as well as plays
• increase in word count and pages in line with progression of students' reading age, for appropriate literacy skill development


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A series of levelled non-fiction books featuring video content, project work and critical-thinking activities to motivate and engage young learner. Covering a range of STEM topics, from nocturnal animals to climate change and ancient engineering to transport, the series takes an enquiry-based approach, developing children's language, communication and investigation skills.


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Spot On Literature

Engage students with culturally sensitive and precisely leveled literary texts while building essential literacy skills.
- Leveled fiction.
- Enrich and Expand Instruction
- Culturally responsive, authentic texts, featuring exclusive original and classic tales from award-winning authors, connect readers to themselves and the world.
- Explore character, theme, and point of view with high-interest genre-based literature.
- Teach for transfer across grade levels.
- Instructional support includes Text Evidence Question Cards.


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Fiction Readers from Teacher Created Materials is full of resources to set the foundation for lifelong reading success.

Introduce readers to a range of fiction genres including fables, fairy tales, traditional stories, adventure, humor, poetry, diaries, journals, realistic fiction, historical fiction, science fiction, biographies, and graphic novels.


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The best of contemporary fiction, non-fiction and popular classics brought to life for English language learners.


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Real Reads are retellings of the classics of world literature, each fitted into a 64-page book. Our books make classic stories, dramas and histories available to young readers as a bridge to the full texts, to reluctant readers as a gentle introduction to a world of wonderful literature, to language students wanting access to other cultures, and to adult readers who are unlikely ever to read the original versions, or simply don’t have time to!


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Smithsonian STEAM Readers

Build literacy skills while challenging students to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems!

Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this dynamic series engages students with high-interest readers that highlight all aspects of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. Through hands-on STEAM activities, students will learn how the engineering design process is used to solve real-world problems.

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